Posts Masonry

New Motor range

Make it move!! DOGA launch to the market a new #electric #motor, designed and tested for solar trackers, to generate #solar #energy from sunrise to sunset. Reliable in all weather conditions. Look how this motor works!

#solarenergy #engineering #electricmotor #solartracker #drivesystems #descarbonization

Twin motor sinchronized panoramic windshield wiper system

How to replicate the movement of a conventional wiper system with linkage, but without linkage?
👉🏽 Controlling the speed and position of 2 #electronic motors of DOGA in synchronized mode, this solution will cover all #panoramic #wipersystem applications.
Its #firmware implements a close control loop that together with …

Enterprise Challenges

Last March, the final of the «Enterprise Challenges” event took place at ETSEIB – UPC. Once again, as in previous years, DOGA participated in this competition, as an advisor for 2 teams.

Matias Ripoll Daza, HR Director, and the President …

Inaugurate our new facilities in Tanger

Last week the Board of Directors of DOGA travelled to inaugurate our new facilities in Tanger.
Faina Tanger’s new building has 3.700 square meters with space that allows future #expansion.
After the new plant tour, employees and Directors shared a dinner to …


At DOGA we love being #global, and to maintain close links between subsidiaries not only feels natural, it also provides great results.
Last week people from our management, commercial and engineering teams of DOGA USA, DOGA ITALIA and DOGA met to #share experiences of common …


The DOGA ANNUAL MEETING took recently place with the assistance of more than 100 worldwide managers of the 8 subsidiaries of the company. It was great to hear from our Board of Directors about our Company’s #accomplishments and vision for the #future. It was …